Ink is a versatile, useful and complex substance. There are many different types of, and uses for, ink. Ink has been used and developed for thousands of years to create the sophisticated, reliable forms of ink used today. We have compiled a list of three domestic uses for ink to allow you to realise just how much you use, appreciate and rely on ink, ink development and ink chemists.


Of course, the most obvious domestic use for ink is the home printer. We rely on our printers for all manner of things; from printing out documents to printing photographs of special events, we often take our printers for granted. But where would we be without them? Over the years, home printers have become much more sophisticated and advanced; many modern printers involve added extras such as scanners and USB ports making them much more valuable to home life.


Whether you want to get creative and dye your own clothes or simply enjoy wearing coloured clothing, ink is the main component. A few centuries ago, dyeing clothing was an expensive practice; colourful, patterned clothing was a mark of wealth and class as it wasn’t available to the masses. Thanks to development, dyes and dyed clothes are a lot more affordable as the cost of materials has decreased and knowledge has increased. As well as being able to purchase dyed clothing, we are also able to dye clothing ourselves. If you have a light coloured garment you wish to dye, you can are able to choose from a wide selection of ink colours and transform your garment.


As well as more practical domestic practices, ink can also be used within art, home improvement and, simply, writing. Although we may no longer write with ink-dipped quills, our modern pens still contain ink. This ink has been developed, and has evolved, to no longer being confined to an inkpot, but instead being stored within the pen itself. This is much more convenient and displays the developments of ink and the evolution of the uses of ink. Ink can also be used within art to create clean lines and delicate drawings. Ink is extremely versatile, has been and still is very widely used.